PMIW Chapters

PMIW Chapter 52: Wang’ye Furious, Willing to Take Risks

Just as Fang Miao Xin expected, Fang Chang Yun knew about the situation in Tong Cheng, so he didn’t report the matter to the emperor, but secretly sent people to Tong Cheng to find Imperial Physician Liu. Therefore, when Shen Ling received the news, four days had passed since Fang Miao Xin’s accident. He was so angry that he smashed a table.

Yao Bin looked at the broken table in front of him, his nerves tense, fearing that wang’ye would slap him.

After venting his anger, Shen Ling finally calmed down a little. He turned his head and looked at Yao Bin, his entire body filled with gloom, and questioned: “Lin Xiao Xiao didn’t tell ben wang about such a huge thing. I asked her to take care of Miao Miao, how could such a thing happen in just a few days.”

Yao Bin mumbled a ‘not good’, and said hurriedly: “Wang’ye, this subordinate thinks that something may have delayed her. Xiao Xiao would never dare to delay wang’fei’s affairs even if she has ten galls. If wang’fei’s life was in danger, she would’ve had sent a message immediately. Since she didn’t send a message, then wang’fei’s life shouldn’t be in danger.”

Shen Ling interrupted him without being polite and said coldly: “If it wasn’t serious, Chancellor Fang wouldn’t have sent someone to Tong Cheng to find Imperial Physician Liu secretly.”

Yao Bin suddenly knelt down, “Wang’ye, please calm down. This subordinate is willing to accept the punishment. However, I think Xiao Xiao must have a reason for not reporting it. Wang’ye, please give her a chance to explain.”

Shen Ling narrowed his eyes, and the sharp look made Yao Bin sweat nervously, making him lower his head even more.

“Since you said so, alright, ben wang will give her a chance. If the reason does not satisfy ben wang, then you will both be punished.”

Yao Bin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that he’d suffer this time, but he didn’t expect that there’d be a silver lining.

“Go and call Imperial Physician Liu.”


Yao Bin went to Imperial Physician Liu’s room, pulled Imperial Physician Liu up from his sleep, and brought him to Shen Ling’s study. Imperial Physician Liu sat on the chair and yawned, “Wang’ye, why did you call me here in such a hurry? Is there something wrong with the antidote? Can’t be, lao’fu clearly tested it on animals, and the effect’s pretty good.”

Shen Ling replied: “Something happened to Miao Miao, Chancellor Fang sent someone to find you, Miao Miao’s heart disease relapsed.”

“Who expected, the thing I was most worried about still happened.” He was very careful when prescribing medicine for the little girl, and mainly used mild medicines, otherwise it wouldn’t take so long to recuperate, but he didn’t expect that she still couldn’t avoid this. It seemed that this disaster was destined.

Shen Ling asked, with some anxiety in his voice, “Ben wang has been asking you to find a way to cure Miao Miao’s heart disease, it’s been so long, do you have a solution?”

“Lao’fu has been thinking about this problem. Actually, most of the herbs have been collected, but there’s still one medicine missing. Originally, I came to Tong Cheng to find a solution and try my luck, but now we must find it.”

Shen Ling suddenly asked: “Resurrection Grass?”

Imperial Physician Liu raised an eyebrow and said with some confusion: “Why, does wang’ye also study herbs?”

“Just saw it once in a book.” Shen Ling answered without any guilt. He knew about the Resurrection Grass purely because of his precious life. Otherwise, why’d he ask to come to Tong Cheng so voluntarily this time? The purpose was to find the Resurrection Grass, but he didn’t expect Miao Miao to suddenly fall ill. He now had to change his plans and find the Resurrection Grass in time.

“Hurry up and draw the Resurrection Grass, I’ll go find it immediately.”

Imperial Physician Liu hurriedly said: “Wang’ye, this Resurrection Grass grows on cliffs. It’s not easy to get it. The place there it grows is very steep, wang’ye can’t take the risk!”

Shen Ling said decisively: “I’ve already made up my mind. If even I can’t get it, then I’m afraid no one can. Hurry up and draw it.”

Imperial Physician Liu sighed, then picked up the brush and drew the appearance of the Resurrection Grass, and even reminded: “This thing will only be on cliffs, there’s no need to look in other places.”

Shen Ling took a look, then put the drawing away, “Then Imperial Physician Liu can return to rest, ben wang will leave.”

Imperial Physician Liu looked at his back as he left and sighed helplessly. ‘Even heroes fall for beauties’. The word ‘love’ is the most troublesome thing.

The next morning, when Imperial Physician Liu got up, he was invited to Shen Ling’s room. There, he saw Shen Ling sitting up on the bed, his upper body exposed with several cuts, presumably scratched by the cliff, and Yao Bin was already applying medicine.

He observed him and saw that there was nothing for him to do, so he focused all his attention on the herb on the table. It looked very ordinary, but in Imperial Physician Liu’s eyes, it was like a magic pill. He walked forward with pleasant surprise, reached out, and touched the Resurrection Grass, saying excitedly: “Lao’fu didn’t expect that in my lifetime, I could see it again. Wang’ye, you dug it out really well, the roots and rhizomes aren’t damaged at all. A treasure, treasure!”

“Since you’ve obtained the Resurrection Grass, you should return to Jin City immediately.” Shen Ling said coldly, then said to Yao Bin: “Have Mu Quan and Mu Xi secretly send Imperial Physician Liu to Fang Mansion, then return to report after confirming that Miao Miao is safe.”

“Wang’ye, although the antidote was developed yesterday, but the efficacy hasn’t been confirmed. If Imperial Physician Liu leaves at this time, no one can solve anything if something happens!”

Before Shen Ling could say anything, Imperial Physician Liu said in dissatisfaction: “Are you questioning lao’fu’s medical skills? There’ll definitely be no problem with the antidote lao’fu prepared.”

“Imperial Physician Liu, I don’t mean that, but… aiya…”  Yao Bin said anxiously: “Chancellor Fang sent someone to find Imperial Physician Liu secretly, he probably didn’t tell the emperor. If the emperor knew that wang’ye sent Imperial Physician Liu back to Jin City, then if the Emperor blames…”

Shen Ling cut him off and said coldly, “No more nonsense, ben wang doesn’t want to hear it, if the emperor blames, ben’wang will bear it.”

Yao Bin still wanted to persuade Shen Ling. If this matter was known to others, then wang’ye will definitely be punished, “Wang’ye, Xiao Xiao hasn’t sent a message yet, which means that wang’fei is fine. Wait a few days until the matter in Tong Cheng is resolved before returning…”

“Ben wang can’t take this risk.” Shen Ling’s expression was cold, and had a dark aura, his words were even bone-chilling, “For ben wang, the whole of Tong Cheng can’t compare to her. If she dies, then this Tong Cheng who dragged her down will no longer have any reason to exist either. Ben wang will take care of the matters here, this is already ben wang’s only rationality left.”

Call him cold-blooded or heartless, his heart was too small and can only accommodate one Miao Miao. If his Miao Miao was gone, then what did this world, these citizens, have to do with him.

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